Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Favourite quotes from " Tuesdays With Morrie"

"Do the kinds of things that come from the heart. When you do, you won’t be dissatisfied, you won’t be envious, you won’t be longing for somebody else’s things. On the contrary, you’ll be overwhelmed with what comes back."
"You know what that reflects? Unsatisfied lives. Unfulfilled lives. Lives that haven't found meaning. Because if you’ve find meaning in your life, you don’t want to go back. You want to go forward."
"When you learn how to die, you learn how to live."
"Death ends a life, not a relationship."
"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in."
"Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too - even when you’re in the dark. Even when you’re falling."
"When you're in bed, you're dead"
"Death: the only true emotion felt in an apathetic world"
"Love wins. Love always wins."
"As you grow, you learn more. If you stayed as ignorant as you were at twenty-two, you'd always be twenty-two. Aging is not just decay, you know. It's growth. It's more than the negative that you're going to die, it's the positive that you understand you're going to die, and that you live a better life because of it."
"Love each other or perish."
"Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone."
"Don't hang on too long, but don't let go too soon."
"Without love, we are birds with broken wings."
"Is today the day? Am I ready? Am I doing all I need to do? Am I being the person I want to be?"
"If the culture doesn't work, don't buy it."
"If we can remember the feeling of love we once had, we can die without ever going away."
"What is it about silence that makes people uneasy?"

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